The top authority of the ADHD-Association is the Congress, which meets every other year and selects the main board and the chair. In addition, the Association consists of 13 local divisions and an administrational unit. The Association counts about 10,000 members, but represents and works for everyone with ADD or ADHD.
An important part of the ADHD-Association’s work, is to spread information and knowledge about ADHD for people with ADHD, their families, and the professionals who in their work meet people with ADHD, as well as to the general public. Information is carried out at many levels and in many contexts. Some people with ADHD have few problems. Others have symptoms that give them substantial social and emotional problems. The ADHD-Association aims to speak for all of them.
The Association provides courses and training, an updated website, information pamphlets, papers, etc. The Association publishes a member’s magazine and an electronic newsletter. Each year the Association hosts a conference with Danish and international speakers on ADHD related research and working experience in the area of ADHD. The ADHD-Association also campaigns, such as, the annual school campaign VILD&STILLE [Wild & Quiet].
The ADHD-Association is continuously involved in several development projects, often in cooperation with partners. Through projects the ADHD-Association develop knowledge and tools to the benefit of people with ADHD, their relatives and all the professionals working in the area. The Association is always working on several new ideas and trying to raise money for further development and implementation of knowledge.
Political awareness
The ADHD-Association works continuously to influence the political agenda and the public debate about ADHD. As the diagnosis is getting more common, ADHD has great public and political attention. The ADHD-Association is an important part of the political picture surrounding ADHD-area: both in relation to local and national politicians and other interest groups on the subject. The Association is represented in several consequential groups on action in the public sector and is an active consultative party on reports, policy proposals and other policy making measures.
Anyone with an interest in ADHD-area is welcome as a member of the Association